Sanyou Tasmanian Baijiu

Tasmanian Mark Licence: 20632-48
Sanyou is swiftly gaining global recognition as one of the premier Baijiu distilleries outside China. Baijiu, the traditional Chinese "white spirit," boasts unparalleled umami flavors that pair exquisitely with Chinese cuisine.
Based in Launceston, Tasmania, Sanyou's distillery is owned by three Tasmanians with diverse stories and skills. Their baijiu is exclusively Tasmanian, crafted from local ingredients and water without any imports. The distillation process, including prolonged fermentation and traditional clay pot aging, captures Tasmania's essence, resulting in a distinctive baijiu that speaks of the region's character.
Sanyou bridges cultures and craftsmanship, offering a unique blend of tradition and terroir that captivates palates worldwide.
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