About the program

The Tasmanian Mark operate as a ‘place of origin’ marker which Licensees can use on their collateral including product packaging, digital assets and signage.
The Tasmanian Mark certification program plays an important role in promoting the unique characteristics of our state, differentiate Tasmanian products from competitors and highlighting the state’s reputation for high-quality, artisanal products. Consumers can trust that products and services carrying the Tasmanian Mark are certified Tasmanian made or grown products.
The Tasmanian Mark may only be used under license from Brand Tasmania, and only in accordance with the Code of Practice.
By using the Tasmanian Mark businesses will gain:
Increased credibility and trust
The Tasmanian Mark can help assure customers that the product or service is Tasmanian.
Differentiation from competitors
By obtaining the Tasmanian Mark, a product or service can be differentiated from similar products or services that are not Tasmanian.
Improved brand recognition
The Tasmanian Mark can help build brand recognition and credibility whilst increasing customer awareness of the product or service.
High standards
Use of the Tasmanian mark highlights that your product or service has met the standards laid out by Brand Tasmania.
The Tasmanian Mark helps us tell the Tasmanian story. It is challenging growing oysters. We want people to experience the freshness, the natural environment, and the hard work and graft that it takes to produce an oyster.
Josh, Tasmanian Oyster Co.
Choosing your mark
While Brand Tasmania is not a ‘slogan’ driven organisation, we do represent the Tasmanian brand through the Tasmanian Marks.
Our aim in developing the two marks was to create something simple, elegant, and easy to recognise.
The 'Tasmanian' Mark.
This mark is a graphic device that serves as a place of origin marker. It can be used on the packaging of your Tasmanian product or when advertising your Tasmanian service.
'The quiet pursuit of the extraordinary' Mark.
This mark is a phrase, not a graphic device. It tells the Tasmanian story in six words, not restricted to a particular font. It can be used on the packaging of your Tasmanian product or when advertising your Tasmanian service.